Blender Git Commits

Blender Git "builtin-simulation-nodes" branch commits.

Page: 66 / 122

July 24, 2019, 11:50 (GMT)
cleanup executing actions
July 24, 2019, 11:33 (GMT)
expose collision normal in new Collision Info node
July 24, 2019, 10:52 (GMT)
remember socket that triggered an action
July 24, 2019, 10:36 (GMT)
use new function creation method for action and offset handlers
July 24, 2019, 09:47 (GMT)
use error handling for event nodes
July 24, 2019, 09:43 (GMT)
create function to compute force inputs
July 24, 2019, 09:37 (GMT)
use better error handling for other emitters
July 24, 2019, 09:33 (GMT)
better error handling when creating function for emitter inputs
July 24, 2019, 09:32 (GMT)
move FunctionBuilder to separate file and add more methods
July 24, 2019, 09:31 (GMT)
namespace fix
July 24, 2019, 08:58 (GMT)
Improve error handling with ValueOrError class

We might want to use exceptions instead of this.
I'm not sure yet.
July 24, 2019, 08:14 (GMT)
cleanup finding placeholder dependencies
July 23, 2019, 17:03 (GMT)
cleanup finding node inputs
July 23, 2019, 17:02 (GMT)
minor improvements
July 23, 2019, 16:06 (GMT)
rename BTreeDataGraph to VTreeDataGraph
July 23, 2019, 16:04 (GMT)
move function generation file to correct file
July 23, 2019, 16:00 (GMT)
fix uninitialized memory
July 23, 2019, 14:54 (GMT)
Remove Composition data structure

This simplifies the code and speeds up accessing function
bodies and type extensions. Now, a lock is only necessary
when create new bodies or extensions.

This is achieved at the cost of having a slighly less generic
system, because we have to give e.g. different function body
types different IDs. Since the number of different types
is expected to be fairly low, this trade off is worth it.
July 23, 2019, 12:59 (GMT)
simplify virtual node tree usage
July 23, 2019, 07:46 (GMT)
Merge branch 'master' into functions
By: Miika HämäläinenLast update: Nov-07-2014 14:18MiikaHweb | 2003-2021