Blender Git Commit Log
Git Commits -> Revision 10b04fa
Revision 10b04fa by Campbell Barton (master) February 13, 2020, 0:33 (GMT) |
Revert "VSE: Add option to select handles with box selection" This partially reverts commit 5314161491d41461fe09c4774229481dde93e250. Conflicts with Emulate "Middle Mouse Button". This feature should be accessible under all supported configurations. |
Commit Details:
Full Hash: 10b04fa3162c4e1c1036d6c4837cff27134e3f11
Parent Commit: d051dd0
Lines Changed: +0, -8
1 Modified Path:
/release/scripts/presets/keyconfig/keymap_data/ (+0, -8) (Diff)