Blender Git Commit Log
Git Commits -> Revision 1639ee0
Revision 1639ee0 by Gaia Clary March 20, 2018, 20:11 (GMT) |
Feature: Collada added new User interface options keep_keyframes: When sampling the distance between 2 keyframes is defined by the sampling rate. Furthermore the keyframes defined in the FCurves are not exported. However when this option is enabled then also the defined keyframes will be added to the exported fcurves keep_smooth_curves: When sampling we do not use FCurves. So we also have no Curve handles for smooth exporting. However when this option is enabled, Blender does its best to recreate the handles for export. This is a very experimental feature and it is know to break when: - the exported animated objects have parent inverse matrices different from the unit matrix - The exported objects have negative scaling There may be many other situations when this feature breaks. This needs to be further tested. It may be removed later or replaced by something less wonky. |
Commit Details:
Full Hash: 1639ee040819b57b11eeb89fab341b4649f299fa
Parent Commit: 8d76f15
Lines Changed: +37, -3