Blender Git Commit Log
Git Commits -> Revision 1badec4
Revision 1badec4 by Jason Wilkins (soc-2010-jwilkins) May 28, 2011, 12:43 (GMT) |
Fix: The radial control would fail, in sculpt mode, to set size if object-space sizing was enabled. This was caused because a small part of sculpt's radial control code did not make it into the new version. The old code would set a new object-space size by scaling it proportional to how much the new screen-space size was changed. The solution I implement here is to do the same scaling inside the RNA callbacks. This way, users of those properties do not have to worry about inconsistency. I added a comment warning that brush_set_size, brush_set_unified_size, brush_unprojected_radius, and brush_set_unprojected_radius do not guarantee consistency because it is not always possible to precisely know what the new unprojected radius is in all contexts where you might set the size. I would implement the consistency check at the lower level (in those listed functions) but at this time I think it needs to be looked at to make sure that won't cause problems. In addition, I am not sure that scaling by the ratio of change is strictly correct in all cases. In any case, this at least fixes the immediate problem. |
Commit Details:
Full Hash: 1badec46abaff63f79c7895609e899cfa3583832
SVN Revision: 36979
Parent Commit: 880cb4c
Lines Changed: +36, -0