Blender Git Commit Log
Git Commits -> Revision 1ee7b2f
Revision 1ee7b2f by Joshua Leung (master) February 2, 2010, 21:16 (GMT) |
Bugfix #19970: auto-clamped / auto working strangly in f-curve editor Thanks to a great doc from Bassam (slikdigit) on the different types of handles (which should probably become/be part of future 2.5 docs), I've revised the code again so that this works well again. The doc: |
Commit Details:
Full Hash: 1ee7b2fae4c61ac45ae6a7e53e51bea78a7ae306
SVN Revision: 26564
Parent Commit: 66aa2e0
Lines Changed: +39, -74