Blender Git Commit Log
Git Commits -> Revision 2a0f072
Revision 2a0f072 by Martin Poirier (master) November 26, 2007, 20:27 (GMT) |
Axial Symmetry Restoration Mirror merge two sides together to restore axial symmetry (like on a humanoid). The symmetry is detected using the topological information from the Reeb graph. Eventually, it will have to distinguish between topological symmetry and potential spatial symmetry and only restore the former (for example, a human is always topologically symmetric, but we only want to restore the symmetry if the limbs are oriented in the same way). |
Commit Details:
Full Hash: 2a0f072fd928fb6f850e6f4dda3e1640922e2e05
SVN Revision: 12681
Parent Commit: 92c70c5
Lines Changed: +214, -36