Blender Git Commit Log
Git Commits -> Revision 33832f5
Revision 33832f5 by Alfredo de Greef (master) May 21, 2005, 20:49 (GMT) |
Part one of the final yafray commit. Totally updated blender shader in yafray, hopefully better matches blender results. Though ramps are now partially supported, they cannot work in all cases properly in yafray, and in fact are a bit useless probably as far as yafray is concerned. In fact the 'Result' ramp input mode is not supported at all, because it works on the total lighting result, and in a yafray shader this is not possible since it works per light. Also, since Blender and Yafray have totally different lighting models, the 'Energy' ramp input mode also won't generally give the same results as in Blender, since it works with light energy and in yafray this is different from Blender. Even worse, the only ramp shader that will work properly when used with GI is the 'Normal' ramp input mode. As contradictory as this might seem, at various stages of the GI process, lighting is not known, so properly getting light (ramp 'energy' mode) or shader information (ramp 'shader' mode, which depends on lighting) is not possible. Which all means that when the ramp is in 'energy' or 'shader' mode and using it with GI enabled, yafray can only 'see' the underlying material color, not the ramps, which results in a mix of the ramp colors (from direct light) with the material color (from indirect light). There is currently nothing that can be done about that. The supported texture mapping modes now includes raymir as well, transparency as far as texturing is concerned now works similar to Blender, with the exception that you still have to set alpha to a low value to get any transparency effect at all in yafray. So the Blender 'filter' parameter now also will affect yafray. All texture blending modes are now supported (same for ramps). 'Translu' and 'Amb' texture modulation are not supported. Texture interpolation can be switched off ('InterPol' switch in blender image texture button section). All Blender brdf models (aka 'shaders' for the Blender users) are now supported, and again, you won't necessarily get the same results as in Blender. The reason for that is partially of course the lighting differences, but also, not all Blender 'shader' implementations are actually correct, and copying those errors just for the sake of matching Blender results doesn't really seem like a good idea... Though this really is only the case for WardIso, less so for Minnaert and Blinn, which in yafray are more or less (but not totally) a copy of the Blender code. In any case, in practice those differences might not be too noticable at all (I hope). Continue to the next part... |
Commit Details:
Full Hash: 33832f52eaeb8d3cdadd6188437df8b168827fe4
SVN Revision: 4473
Parent Commit: 21d07f7
Lines Changed: +354, -76