Blender Git Commit Log
Git Commits -> Revision 378baee
Revision 378baee by Pablo Dobarro (sculpt-mode-features) March 18, 2019, 03:36 (GMT) |
Dam brush: Initial implementation The purpose of this brush is to create sharp edges without creasing or pinching the geometry. It is useful when sculpting cloth wrinkles, hard surface objects or small cavities. To avoid artifacts, set the stroke spacing to a lower value than 10 and enable symmetry feather. This affects performance, so I am not adding it to the defaults for now. It does not create new geometry in dyntopo, so you will need to create the geometry with another tool or switch to the voxel remesher workflow. I'm not quite happy with the deformation as it is now (maybe it is too smooth). I also need to try the brush with different pen tablets to properly calibrate the pressure. |
Commit Details:
Full Hash: 378baee4986e3ce27dae6d348a6111ec041f6b20
Parent Commit: 0f1c865
Lines Changed: +92, -2