Blender Git Commit Log
Git Commits -> Revision 3b19b6c
Revision 3b19b6c by Ton Roosendaal (master) April 29, 2009, 15:25 (GMT) |
2.5+ file read provision for 2.49 I've managed to find a basic fail-safe method to prevent using the read data with an OK popup. I then still will read the file, but wait for user confirmation to continue, or just free the database. The pupup tells the user that at least animation data will be lost. For background renders of 2.5+ things are more tricky, so here I've added a default failure to read, returning 0, which will typically gracefully quit blender. |
Commit Details:
Full Hash: 3b19b6c33fa5a68309efe99c49fca0df60db02aa
SVN Revision: 19975
Parent Commit: f8656d3
Lines Changed: +25, -7
1 Modified Path:
/source/blender/blenkernel/intern/blender.c (+25, -7) (Diff)