Blender Git Commit Log
Git Commits -> Revision 400d77b
Revision 400d77b by Joshua Leung (master) August 17, 2007, 11:23 (GMT) |
== Constraints - Geometry Targets == It is now possible to use the geometry of Meshes and/or Lattices as the target of a constraint. All you need to do, is to create a new Vertex-Group and assign all the points that you wish to use as the target, then type that name into the VG: field for the relevant constraints. One of the cases where this is beneficial is when you need to copy the location of a vertex. Now you don't need to make extra vertex-parents for that. Additional Notes: * The code takes the average of the locations of the nominated vertices, and puts that in world-space for constraint solving (and regular space-conversion stuff). * Currently, rotation and scaling of points is not taken into account. The rotation/scaling used is from the object's matrix. Hopefully, this will only be a temporary problem (will be fixed soon) |
Commit Details:
Full Hash: 400d77bbe29ddecaaa4530146f07435877f9a6aa
SVN Revision: 11636
Parent Commit: 4d884c0
Lines Changed: +205, -17