Blender Git Commit Log
Git Commits -> Revision 454fceb
August 3, 2006, 10:48 (GMT) |
Solaris was still using compress for make release. Everyone else was using gzip. On the latest downloads many of them are using bzip2, (I think everyone using scons) So I decided to update make release so that everyone is using gzip2. I don't mean to step on anyones toes, I know at least some of the platform maintainers do not use make though so feel free to change it back and or to something different for your platform. While I was at it I also changed default path of OPENEXR to /usr on linux. Was suggested on mailing list by Matt. (I'm pretty sure the linux maintainer is using scons) Kent |
Commit Details:
Full Hash: 454fceb5f51809974be2ba3620c24d4eff7cf3a3
SVN Revision: 8269
Parent Commit: f9fb0cf
Lines Changed: +13, -8