Blender Git Commit Log
Git Commits -> Revision 7ae0c93
Revision 7ae0c93 by Tamito Kajiyama (master) January 26, 2013, 18:53 (GMT) |
Fix for a crash in curvature calculation due to a WVertex with no associated edges. (TODO: identify the reason why such a strange WVertex is generated.) Problem report by Vicente Carro with a .blend for reproducing the issue. Thanks a lot! |
Commit Details:
Full Hash: 7ae0c936fa070da0bf10782e77c4500bf9bd57a8
SVN Revision: 54111
Parent Commit: 7f721d0
Lines Changed: +7, -1
1 Modified Path:
/source/blender/freestyle/intern/winged_edge/Curvature.cpp (+7, -1) (Diff)