Blender Git Commit Log

Git Commits -> Revision 637873d

Revision 637873d by Joerg Mueller (master)
January 1, 2010, 18:45 (GMT)
Added another three effects that you can use with the Sound to F-Curve modifier, have fun!

Commit Details:

Full Hash: 637873deb0952bdd64d4fb461145685379191210
SVN Revision: 25656
Parent Commit: d0ec3f4
Lines Changed: +786, -3

12 Added Paths:

/intern/audaspace/FX/AUD_AccumulatorFactory.cpp (+49, -0) (View)
/intern/audaspace/FX/AUD_AccumulatorFactory.h (+59, -0) (View)
/intern/audaspace/FX/AUD_AccumulatorReader.cpp (+99, -0) (View)
/intern/audaspace/FX/AUD_AccumulatorReader.h (+75, -0) (View)
/intern/audaspace/FX/AUD_SquareFactory.cpp (+57, -0) (View)
/intern/audaspace/FX/AUD_SquareFactory.h (+70, -0) (View)
/intern/audaspace/FX/AUD_SquareReader.cpp (+63, -0) (View)
/intern/audaspace/FX/AUD_SquareReader.h (+65, -0) (View)
/intern/audaspace/FX/AUD_SumFactory.cpp (+43, -0) (View)
/intern/audaspace/FX/AUD_SumFactory.h (+46, -0) (View)
/intern/audaspace/FX/AUD_SumReader.cpp (+68, -0) (View)
/intern/audaspace/FX/AUD_SumReader.h (+64, -0) (View)

3 Modified Paths:

/intern/audaspace/intern/AUD_C-API.cpp (+17, -2) (Diff)
/intern/audaspace/intern/AUD_C-API.h (+3, -1) (Diff)
/source/blender/editors/space_graph/graph_edit.c (+8, -0) (Diff)
By: Miika HämäläinenLast update: Nov-07-2014 14:18MiikaHweb | 2003-2021