Blender Git Commit Log
Git Commits -> Revision 78b2eb8
Revision 78b2eb8 by Campbell Barton (master) January 2, 2010, 17:33 (GMT) |
PyRna float/bool/int slicing. - fixed slice assignment. - fix for slowdown where getting a slice would get the entire array and free it for every item in the array (malloc and free for arrays >32). - fix for thick wrapped returning an array referencing the original pointer when coercing into a mathutils type failed. TODO - slice assignment currently only sypports lists. - dimensions are ignored for multidimensional arrays. |
Commit Details:
Full Hash: 78b2eb8d3c1e328d0e932b9b285d8cbf20e9cfc2
SVN Revision: 25668
Parent Commit: c1b0239
Lines Changed: +147, -28
1 Modified Path:
/source/blender/python/intern/bpy_rna.c (+147, -28) (Diff)