Blender Git Commit Log
Git Commits -> Revision 7b60529
Revision 7b60529 by Ton Roosendaal (master) November 6, 2012, 15:54 (GMT) |
Bugfix #33092 Fluid sim would stop or crash with node editor. Bug was a real bad one - the code for giving out WM jobs was messed up for long. It was giving a running fluid job to the compositer even... tsk! I will go over jobs code carefully next days to see if it all behaves. Now it allows per owner multiple jobs, provided it has different job_type set. Also fixed: preview renders (material) were deadslow once a while - caused by icon render setting miniature tile render sizes. Now it's fast again, but there are still 3 icon jobs running per UI change... need to check what. |
Commit Details:
Full Hash: 7b60529517d2fb70606da54a27bd05e73dd657f0
SVN Revision: 51944
Parent Commit: acc8c65
Lines Changed: +42, -28