Blender Git Commit Log
Git Commits -> Revision 80837d0
Revision 80837d0 by Sergey Sharybin (master) September 29, 2016, 14:0 (GMT) |
Cycles: Support earlier tile rendering termination on cancel It will discard the whole tile, but it's still kind of more friendly than fully locked interface (sort of) for until tile is fully sampled. Sorry if it causes PITA to merge for the opencl split work, but this issue bothering a lot when collecting benchmarks. |
Commit Details:
Full Hash: 80837d06decac612ec5dac68eca033292fcb4762
Parent Commit: 333366d
Lines Changed: +28, -14
1 Modified Path:
/intern/cycles/device/device_opencl.cpp (+28, -14) (Diff)