Blender Git Commit Log
Git Commits -> Revision 834e47d
Revision 834e47d by Lukas Toenne (master) September 2, 2013, 17:8 (GMT) |
Fix #36628, Muting bump node alters material visibility. The internal connections used for muted nodes are a "best guess" only. The algorithm would connect linked input/output sockets first, regardless of sensible connections. Replaced this by a more strict connection method now which only uses matching types, so that Normal outputs won't get input from values, etc. This is still far from perfect though. Eventually it may be necessary to implement dedicated methods for certain types of nodes to respect different semantics - using the plain socket type is just not enough information. Also the value used for connections from muted nodes with no matching input will currently be the hidden(!) socket input values, this can lead to unexpected results. Needs further thought ... |
Commit Details:
Full Hash: 834e47dbacbc063ed134c4657ba929da2e6e5a14
SVN Revision: 59742
Parent Commit: 107e6af
Lines Changed: +36, -68
1 Modified Path:
/source/blender/nodes/intern/node_util.c (+36, -68) (Diff)