Blender Git Commit Log

Git Commits -> Revision af42ff6

Revision af42ff6 by Brecht Van Lommel (master)
September 5, 2008, 21:57 (GMT)

Fix: compiling with cmake 2.4 didn't work anymore due to a
compatibility fix for cmake 2.6.

Commit Details:

Full Hash: af42ff6aa2e5c840f5247efae868bdb563f7e45f
SVN Revision: 16388
Parent Commit: 3f9d327
Lines Changed: +3, -1

1 Modified Path:

/CMake/macros.cmake (+3, -1) (Diff)
By: Miika HämäläinenLast update: Nov-07-2014 14:18MiikaHweb | 2003-2021