Blender Git Commit Log

Git Commits -> Revision b2a8199

Revision b2a8199 by Campbell Barton (master)
September 15, 2007, 10:43 (GMT)
added a transform panel to the UV/Image window - at the moment it sets UV and teh cursor location.
added a stap menu to the UV/Image window for snapping the selection and cursor.
reverted to drawing face dots in editmode when Limit Selection is enabled. even though its not needed for selection its consistent and dosnt look like modes are being changed.

Commit Details:

Full Hash: b2a8199d4ba545631a992af6a540dc2f2da186eb
SVN Revision: 12041
Parent Commit: 427e063
Lines Changed: +272, -51

11 Modified Paths:

/source/blender/blenkernel/BKE_utildefines.h (+1, -0) (Diff)
/source/blender/include/BIF_drawimage.h (+1, -0) (Diff)
/source/blender/include/BIF_editsima.h (+3, -0) (Diff)
/source/blender/include/BIF_space.h (+1, -0) (Diff)
/source/blender/include/blendef.h (+4, -3) (Diff)
/source/blender/src/drawimage.c (+89, -23) (Diff)
/source/blender/src/drawobject.c (+2, -4) (Diff)
/source/blender/src/editsima.c (+141, -8) (Diff)
/source/blender/src/header_image.c (+11, -6) (Diff)
/source/blender/src/header_view3d.c (+4, -1) (Diff)
/source/blender/src/space.c (+15, -6) (Diff)
By: Miika HämäläinenLast update: Nov-07-2014 14:18MiikaHweb | 2003-2021