Blender Git Commit Log
Git Commits -> Revision b39f09e
Revision b39f09e by Andrea Weikert (master) February 27, 2011, 16:58 (GMT) |
== UI icons == * Moved ICON_BLENDER away from (0,0) spot in blenderbuttons, since ICON_BLENDER=0 define is conflicting ICON_NULL define as well as with logic checks for nonzero icon id. * This solved bug where ICON_BLENDER can't be set from Python as well as when using new UI functions from within Blender. |
Commit Details:
Full Hash: b39f09e962ce72b782ea1d50deb08ec227139a46
SVN Revision: 35225
Parent Commit: b1ef977
Lines Changed: +6577, -6577