Blender Git Commit Log
Git Commits -> Revision c07c572
Revision c07c572 by Mitchell Stokes (master) June 14, 2012, 8:1 (GMT) |
Fix for [#31813] "bge.types.KX_RadarSensor incorrect attributes" reported by Monster. KX_RadarSensor.angle was returning the angle that was used to construct Bullet's physics shape, which is calculated from the logic brick gui. KX_RadarSensor.angle now recalculates the original value from the gui. However, m_coneradius isn't actually used by KX_RadarSensor that I can see, so it might be better to just assign the original angle to m_coneradius instead of the calculated value. I've also made KX_RadarSensor.angle read-only, since setting m_coneradius does not appear to have any affect, which means writing to KX_RadarSensor.angle never worked properly. |
Commit Details:
Full Hash: c07c57237398fbd214c329f2be0d88cc255e26eb
SVN Revision: 47869
Parent Commit: cae6873
Lines Changed: +13, -2