Blender Git Commit Log
Git Commits -> Revision cbfbe53
Revision cbfbe53 by Martin Poirier (master) March 10, 2008, 0:27 (GMT) |
== Align to Transform Orientation == New rotation alignement fonction Rotates objects/Pose bones to match the selected transform orientation. Can be used to align to view, active object (normal) and custom transform orientations. Accessible in the Object -> Transform submenu and through the hotkey Ctrl-Alt-A (which was previously a fall through for Apply but only Ctrl-A and Ctrl-Shift-A did anything special). Can be eventually made to work in edit mode (not too hard). |
Commit Details:
Full Hash: cbfbe53ebe39ece9a0c0bf05e87d3f7241ebe006
SVN Revision: 14037
Parent Commit: 1a4f7a8
Lines Changed: +77, -1