Blender Git Commit Log
Git Commits -> Revision d0cdf2b
Revision d0cdf2b by Ton Roosendaal (master) December 7, 2004, 14:46 (GMT) |
More tweaks related to bump mapping quality; While going over the code, I found out the "nabla", the size of offset vectors for calculating derivatives of a texture, is a built in constant. Even worse, the value was different for new noise types (musgrave etc). So I've added a new slider for it in the procedural texture panels, which by default is set to 0.025, the value of the old constant. Also made sure it works with equal effect in all procedurals. NOTE: a small Nabla will give sharper, detailed bump, but the effect also becomes smaller, correct that in the Mapping Panel of materials. For better & compliant control over the bumpmapping, I've also included the Colorband output in derivatives calculus, so the bump output then matches the color created. It's also a nice tool to finetune output of textures for bumpmapping in general. Bug fix; clicking on the rightmose 'item' in ColorBand didn't activate it. Found out the ColorBand was slightly drawn off (2 pixels). |
Commit Details:
Full Hash: d0cdf2bd4b237c321e61278a94be4fd04eeb3619
SVN Revision: 3610
Parent Commit: 198ce17
Lines Changed: +133, -67