Blender Git Commit Log
Git Commits -> Revision e55bd11
November 23, 2019, 10:00 (GMT) |
GPencil: Remove use_cursor and replace by show_brush property As now all are brushes, we don't need a special flag for grease pencil and we can resuse standard property of brushes. |
Commit Details:
Full Hash: e55bd11acf355c0c7b3ca3924496dc507bc4f43f
Parent Commit: c8ef6ef
Lines Changed: +38, -49
7 Modified Paths:
/release/scripts/startup/bl_ui/ (+7, -6) (Diff)
/source/blender/blenkernel/intern/brush.c (+22, -30) (Diff)
/source/blender/blenloader/intern/versioning_280.c (+2, -0) (Diff)
/source/blender/editors/gpencil/gpencil_paint.c (+1, -1) (Diff)
/source/blender/editors/gpencil/gpencil_utils.c (+5, -4) (Diff)
/source/blender/makesdna/DNA_brush_types.h (+1, -2) (Diff)
/source/blender/makesrna/intern/rna_brush.c (+0, -6) (Diff)
/source/blender/blenkernel/intern/brush.c (+22, -30) (Diff)
/source/blender/blenloader/intern/versioning_280.c (+2, -0) (Diff)
/source/blender/editors/gpencil/gpencil_paint.c (+1, -1) (Diff)
/source/blender/editors/gpencil/gpencil_utils.c (+5, -4) (Diff)
/source/blender/makesdna/DNA_brush_types.h (+1, -2) (Diff)
/source/blender/makesrna/intern/rna_brush.c (+0, -6) (Diff)