Blender Git Commit Log
Git Commits -> Revision e5a5721
Revision e5a5721 by Sebastian Parborg (master) September 21, 2020, 14:9 (GMT) |
Fix T80899: Crash on editing multiple UVs of multiple different objects at the same time The issue was two fold. First something sets the loop element tag and doesn't clear it before the UV code in question tries to use the tags. Added a sanity clear to make sure that it operates on a clean tag state. The next one was that the UV maps in question had quite a few points that had zero length UV loop edges. This would lead to division by zero. Reviewed By: Jeroen Bakker, Brecht Differential Revision: |
Commit Details:
Full Hash: e5a572157d8cd5947a0b4b7420e728d57d6965ff
Parent Commit: 9d3550d
Lines Changed: +13, -4