Blender Git Commit Log
Git Commits -> Revision edac72e
Revision edac72e by Julian Eisel (temp-gpu-image-engine) December 15, 2021, 13:37 (GMT) |
Fix T93649: Blender freezes when saving with active VR session Dead-lock when VR viewport drawing and depsgraph updates would fight for the draw-manager GL lock. This didn't usually cause issues because the depsgraph would be evaluated at this point already, except in rare exceptions like after file writing. Fix this by ensuring the XR surface gets its depsgraph updated after handling notifiers, which is where regular windows also do the depsgraph updating. |
Commit Details:
Full Hash: edac72ebb9b5a21cf82f4a3f2285f276b27d72a7
Parent Commit: a48b301
Committed By: Jeroen Bakker
Lines Changed: +43, -7