Blender Git Commit Log
Git Commits -> Revision f2c0430
Revision f2c0430 by Ton Roosendaal (master) May 15, 2006, 10:46 (GMT) |
Recode of the "Set Scene chaining" patch from Nathan. - code for detecting loops was overly complex, and detected loops wrong even (when chains partially overlap it gave error) - that code could NULLify sets of other scenes than the one you tested - and that code should be in blenkernel, so it can be called in more locations, like fixing potential loops in old files - the code for looping over the chained scenes was bad too, I created a nice #define to keep code readable. (See SETLOOPER in BKE_scene.h) ALso fixes reports in tracker :) |
Commit Details:
Full Hash: f2c043082a82a081f91b9b5ca4ea9f2c57703552
SVN Revision: 7444
Parent Commit: 3b783f1
Lines Changed: +58, -96