Blender Git Commits

Blender Git "experimental_gp_weight" branch commits.

Page: 24 / 122

March 11, 2018, 19:12 (GMT)
Fix problem when change mode if no brushes

When chnage mode, create the default brushes if they are missing.
March 11, 2018, 19:04 (GMT)
Fix problem with Brush Datablock icons

The icons of grease pencil brushes did not work because the poll return false.
March 11, 2018, 17:03 (GMT)
WIP: more work moving datablock

All references to old bGPDbrush struct has been removed and basic functionality working again now.

Still the icons of the brushes are missing.
March 11, 2018, 10:48 (GMT)
WIP: Fist step moving bGPDbrush to Brush datablock

Still a lot of work ahead, but this commit is to save the situation before remove bGPDbrush struct.
March 10, 2018, 12:29 (GMT)
Code refactor: Missing in previous commit
March 10, 2018, 12:25 (GMT)
Code refactor: Rename fields to prepare for ID datablock

Rename some fields to prepare the code to move the brushes (bGPDbrush) to reuse ID datablock ID_BR (Brush).
March 10, 2018, 11:24 (GMT)
Merge branch 'blender2.8' into greasepencil-object
March 9, 2018, 18:38 (GMT)
Cleanup: Rename brush input_samples field
March 9, 2018, 18:27 (GMT)
Cleanup: Rename brush type field
March 9, 2018, 17:31 (GMT)
Cleanup: Rename brush icon field
March 9, 2018, 16:52 (GMT)
Cleanup: Rename subdivide field
March 9, 2018, 10:07 (GMT)
Cleanup: iterator macros

March 9, 2018, 09:53 (GMT)
Merge branch 'blender2.8' into greasepencil-object
March 9, 2018, 09:31 (GMT)
Enable Settings by default in predefined brushes
March 9, 2018, 09:29 (GMT)
Reorganize Stroke panel grouping Settings
March 8, 2018, 18:50 (GMT)
Reorganize Brush parameters panel

As we have a lot of options, the panel required a reorganization and clarify what parameters affect after the stroke is created.

Also added options to enable/disable effects like smooth without changing the values.
March 8, 2018, 15:01 (GMT)
Cleanup smooth code and add one step more

It's better add a loop instead to repeat function call. This is cleaner and we can add more steps if required.
March 8, 2018, 10:02 (GMT)
Colorpicker must be only in active window

When there are multiwindows, the color picker only must work in the region that originated the operator.
March 8, 2018, 09:00 (GMT)
WIP: Make active smooth for 2 last points

The smooth now works with the last two points, but for oldest (p-2), uses a reduction factor to avoid strong changes.

This commit is part of the experimental smooth test.
March 8, 2018, 08:36 (GMT)
Merge branch 'blender2.8' into greasepencil-object
By: Miika HämäläinenLast update: Nov-07-2014 14:18MiikaHweb | 2003-2021