Blender Git Commits

Blender Git "fracture_modifier-master" branch commits.

Page: 99 / 129

December 17, 2014, 17:34 (GMT)
fix for: splinters (axises should be local X, Y, Z again), added object name into material name, and allow conversion-to-keyframed-objects of multiple objects at once
December 15, 2014, 19:51 (GMT)
fix: load inner vertex group now directly after blend has been loaded (no additional refracture necessary)
December 15, 2014, 12:36 (GMT)
fix for inner vertex groups (contains real inner shards vertices now only) and option for smooth inner faces (useful with following subsurf and displacement modifier, works properly with boolean only
December 10, 2014, 22:35 (GMT)
small fix, need to check for context.object being possibly None
December 10, 2014, 22:30 (GMT)
added hack to enable loading fracture presets via python (bpy.context.fracture is not known otherwise when using python_file_run, it needed a fake context
December 6, 2014, 21:53 (GMT)
added a breakable checkbox for fracture modifier, this is an attempt to enable destructability later on when needed
December 1, 2014, 19:23 (GMT)
Modifier GUI "redesign", second revision
December 1, 2014, 18:52 (GMT)
splash update
December 1, 2014, 12:12 (GMT)
Modifier GUI "redesign", first revision
November 24, 2014, 15:39 (GMT)
rename "Initial Particle Coordinates" to "Particle Birth Coordinates"
November 24, 2014, 15:36 (GMT)
cluster breaking angle, distance, percentage added, rename contact distance to search radius, jump back to start frame of rigidbody cache now automatically at fracture time (or frame 1)
November 21, 2014, 19:41 (GMT)
automatically apply scale and rotation when executing fracture now
November 21, 2014, 14:41 (GMT)
crash fix for convert to objects and fix for invalid positions after conversion as well (was all zeroed out)
November 21, 2014, 13:58 (GMT)
fix for convert to keyframed objects, had oddly rotating objects and NaN values in transform panel
November 17, 2014, 14:48 (GMT)
small improvement for autohide, removing inner edges now as well
November 17, 2014, 01:35 (GMT)
fix for "fix normals", used incorrect float to short and back conversion and ignore global rotation of object in normals rotation now
November 16, 2014, 15:23 (GMT)
limit autohide to faces with inner material and fix attempt for convert to keyframes bug (messed up object locations / rotations)
November 16, 2014, 02:07 (GMT)
added ghost objects, they do not collide but can activate animated objects
November 14, 2014, 23:35 (GMT)
autohide now automatically removes doubles as well to close small gaps between shards due to constraint movement, tweaks to pointcache (no reset of cache) and a new bm operator (no normal recalc) were necessary
November 14, 2014, 15:49 (GMT)
tweaks for convert to keyframe objects and fix normals
By: Miika HämäläinenLast update: Nov-07-2014 14:18MiikaHweb | 2003-2021