Blender Git Commits

Blender Git "master" branch commits.

Page: 84 / 5574

October 26, 2021, 21:23 (GMT)
Revert "Revert "Eevee: support accessing custom mesh attributes""

This reverts commit e7fedf6dba5fe2ec39260943361915a6b2b8270a.

And also fix a compilation issue on windows.

Differential Revision:
Revision 485c634 by Cian Jinks
October 26, 2021, 20:53 (GMT)
Cleanup: Confusion with knife xray functionality
October 26, 2021, 20:49 (GMT)
Revert "Eevee: support accessing custom mesh attributes"

This reverts commit 03013d19d16704672f9db93bc62547651b6a5cb8.

This commit broke the windows build pretty badly and I don't
feel confident landing the fix for this without review.

Will post a possible fix in D12969 and we'll take it from there.
Revision 7d3d09b by Hans Goudey
October 26, 2021, 20:40 (GMT)
Geometry Nodes: Get and set nodes for ID attribute

These nodes allow accessing and changing the stable/random ID used
for motion blur with instances and stable randomness.

Since rB40c3b8836b7a, the stable ID is a built-in attribute, so to be
consistent and allow changing it in the node tree like other built-in
attributes, it has get and set nodes.
Revision b37caa3 by Cian Jinks
October 26, 2021, 20:21 (GMT)
Fix: Knife unused function warning
Revision 71fd0f7 by Cian Jinks
October 26, 2021, 20:12 (GMT)
Fix: Knife measurements broken when a cut point is in space

Knife angle measurements were mis-aligned if a cut point was in space.
Specifically, the arc drawing would not match with the cut line.

Fixed by removing a correction for kcd->prev.cage.
This correction was originally added for panning with measurements to work.
In hindsight it is not needed and only introduces issues like this.
Revision d040493 by Julian Eisel
October 26, 2021, 19:57 (GMT)
UI: Rename operator to open Preferences window

Renames the operator from "Show Preferences" to "Open Preferences...". "Open"
is more clear than "Show" (since they could be shown in-place). "..." is
usually used in Blender to indicate that a new Window or popup will be opened.

Note that vanilla Blender doesn't actually show this name anywhere, so this
change shouldn't be visible. That may change, see D12894.
Revision ca2ae35 by Julian Eisel
October 26, 2021, 19:57 (GMT)
Asset Browser: Improve hint for asset library that isn't found

We already show a message when showing an asset library whose path can't be
found on disk. The red text was making it look like some fatal error happened.
And the message could be a bit more useful generally.

So this removes the red color of the text, (arguably) improves the text and
adds a button as shortcut to open the Preferences with the asset library

Differential Revision:
October 26, 2021, 19:44 (GMT)
Fix: Build issue on windows

Empty initializer is not appreciated by MSVC.
Revision 0cf9794 by Julian Eisel
October 26, 2021, 19:1 (GMT)
Assets: Rename "Default" asset library to "User Library"

Feedback was that "Default" is a bit of a weird name, so switching it to "User
Library". Added versioning code which won't be entirely bullet proof (e.g. will
also rename libraries named "Default" by the user), but it doesn't have to be.

Addresses T90298.
October 26, 2021, 18:52 (GMT)
Fix T92508: cache invalidation bug in Set Position node

The call to `attribute_try_get_for_output` does some cache invalidation
internally. Under some circumstances the call to `position_evaluator.evaluate()`
recomputed the caches (e.g. when the Normal node was used, the evaluated
handle positions cache on curves were updated). After the positions have
been updated in the Set Position node, the cache was not invalidated again.,
leading to incorrect rendering.

The proper solution will be to do the cache invalidation in ``
again. That is a bit more involved though. For now just reorder the code a bit
to do the cache invalidation after the field has been computed.
There is a follow up task: T92509.
Revision 35aa3bf by Hans Goudey
October 26, 2021, 18:39 (GMT)
Cleanup: Restore alphabetical order
Revision 63de607 by Julian Eisel
October 26, 2021, 18:30 (GMT)
Fix objects not appearing in Outliner after dragging in from Asset Browser

When dragging in an object from an external asset library from the Asset
Browser, the Outliner wouldn't update.
Revision 18ace3b by Julian Eisel
October 26, 2021, 18:30 (GMT)
Fix linked objects not appearing after dragging in from Asset Browser

When the Asset Browser import type was set to "Link", after dragging in an
object asset the object wouldn't actually appear in the viewport. Do the same
depsgraph tagging (and TODO comment) as the `OBJECT_OT_add_named` operator,
which does similar things.
Revision f81c514 by Julian Eisel
October 26, 2021, 18:30 (GMT)
Assets: Disable snap-dragging for linking object assets

The location of a linked object isn't editable, or at least it will be reset
when reloading the file. So the drag & drop shouldn't even pretend like this
would work, so disable the snapping of the object and the bounding-box to show
the snapped object location while dragging.
October 26, 2021, 18:19 (GMT)
Node Editor: Style update to nodes

This patch changes how nodes look visually, in an attempt to fix a number of issues:
* The header background is currently drawn using a theme color fully opaque, this limits the colors we can use because the node name/label is drawn on top.
* Hard-coded transparency makes nodes hard to read. The node backdrop already has alpha so if the user wants it they can set it. This patch uses alpha from the theme.
* Better muted status indicator, instead of simply making everything transparent and the wires inside red, draw a red outline around the node, darken the header and backdrop.
* On muted nodes, display wires behind the backdrop to not interfere with text/widgets inside the node.


* Darken header to improve readability of node label.
* Draw a line under the header
* Thicker outline.
* Do not hard-code transparency on nodes, use the theme's node backdrop alpha component.
* Use angle icon instead of triangle (to be consistent with the [[ | changes ]] to panels)

Style adjustment to sockets drawing:

* Do not hard-code the socket outline color to black, use `TH_WIRE` instead
* Do not use `TH_TEXT_HI` for selected sockets, use `TH_ACTIVE` (active node outline)
* Do not draw sockets background transparent on muted nodes.
* Thicker outline to help contrast and readability

{F11496707, size=full}

Reviewed By: #user_interface, HooglyBoogly

Differential Revision:
Revision c7b27f4 by Hans Goudey
October 26, 2021, 18:3 (GMT)
Fix: Show node editor dot grid when there is no node tree
October 26, 2021, 18:0 (GMT)
Geometry Nodes: geometry component type warning system

Previously, every node had to create warnings for unsupported input
geometry manually. Now this is automated. Nodes just have to specify
the geometry types they support in the node declaration.

Differential Revision:
Revision be3e09e by Hans Goudey
October 26, 2021, 17:59 (GMT)
Fix: Inverted normal for one curve to mesh cap
Revision 9fa304b by Hans Goudey
October 26, 2021, 17:50 (GMT)
Geometry Nodes: Only create instance IDs when they exist

Instance IDs serve no purpose for rendering when they aren't stable from
one frame to the next, and if the index is used in the end anyway, there
is no point in storing a vector of IDs and copying it around.

This commit exposes the `id` attribute on the instances component,
makes it optional-- only generated by default with the distribute points
on faces node.

Since the string to curves node only added the index as each instance's
ID, I removed it. This means that it would be necessary to add the ID
data manually if the initial index actually helps (when deleting only
certain characters, for example).

Differential Revision:
By: Miika HämäläinenLast update: Nov-07-2014 14:18MiikaHweb | 2003-2021