Blender Git Commits

Blender Git "particle-solver-dev" branch commits.

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February 10, 2019, 19:14 (GMT)
SmallMap.add should not replace existing entries
February 10, 2019, 19:14 (GMT)
better dot exprot
February 10, 2019, 19:14 (GMT)
February 10, 2019, 19:14 (GMT)
generate function from data flow graph
February 10, 2019, 19:14 (GMT)
Function and Type are final classes - can still be extended with Composition
February 10, 2019, 19:14 (GMT)
move Composition to BLI
February 10, 2019, 19:14 (GMT)
initial node tree
February 10, 2019, 19:14 (GMT)
FunctionGraph - a graph with specified inputs and outputs
February 10, 2019, 19:14 (GMT)
better naming
February 10, 2019, 19:14 (GMT)
initial value iterator
February 10, 2019, 19:14 (GMT)
actually free elements in small vector
February 10, 2019, 19:14 (GMT)
use shared ownership for functions and types
February 10, 2019, 19:14 (GMT)
types don't have to be const everywhere
February 10, 2019, 19:14 (GMT)
custom reference counter that supports manual incref and decref
February 10, 2019, 19:14 (GMT)
move concrete type definitions into separate translation unit
February 10, 2019, 19:14 (GMT)
better separation of concerns for shared objects
February 10, 2019, 19:14 (GMT)
use shared ownership for functions and types
February 10, 2019, 19:14 (GMT)
append rvalue reference to smallvector
February 10, 2019, 19:14 (GMT)
move shared without incref and decref
February 10, 2019, 19:14 (GMT)
By: Miika HämäläinenLast update: Nov-07-2014 14:18MiikaHweb | 2003-2021