Blender Git Commits

Blender Git "temp-bge-cleanup" branch commits.

May 4, 2015, 19:46 (GMT)
Special cleanup for BL_SkinDeformer
May 4, 2015, 19:32 (GMT)
Special cleanup for BL_ShapeDeformer
May 4, 2015, 19:17 (GMT)
Special cleanup for BL_ShapeActionActuator
May 4, 2015, 19:07 (GMT)
Special cleanup for BL_MeshDeformer
May 4, 2015, 19:07 (GMT)
Special cleanup for BL_DeformableGameObject
May 4, 2015, 19:07 (GMT)
Special cleanup for BL_ModifierDeformer
May 4, 2015, 18:41 (GMT)
Special cleanup for BL_ArmatureConstraint
May 4, 2015, 18:41 (GMT)
Special cleanup for BL_ArmatureObject
May 4, 2015, 18:41 (GMT)
Special cleanup for BL_ArmatureChannel
May 4, 2015, 18:41 (GMT)
Special cleanup for BL_ArmatureActuator

Special cleanup for BL_ArmatureActuator
May 4, 2015, 17:44 (GMT)
Special cleanup for Bl_ActionActuator.*
May 4, 2015, 17:30 (GMT)
Special cleanup for BL_BlenderScalarInterpolator.h/cpp.
May 4, 2015, 17:24 (GMT)
Run of uncrustify on Converter/
May 4, 2015, 17:09 (GMT)
BGE: Cleanup KX_BlenderSceneConverter.cpp iterators, checks, indentations and spaces with uncrusify

"(*it).second" become "it->second" same as "first"
"!(it == list.end())" become "it != list.end()"
"if (ptr == NULL)" become "if (!ptr)"
And a run of uncrusify on this file to fix indentation and spaces.
By: Miika HämäläinenLast update: Nov-07-2014 14:18MiikaHweb | 2003-2021