This adds some ui boilerplate code for the Random Attribute node and provides an initial implementation.
Note, while the implementation can already randomize attributes, it might not behave as expected under all circumstances yet. It's still work in progress.
Geometry Nodes: initial generic attribute access API
I will have to do a couple more iterations on this api in the upcoming weeks, but for now it should be good enough.
The API adds an indirection for attribute access. That has the following benefits: * Most code does not have to care about how an attribute is stored internally. This is mainly necessary, because we have to deal with "legacy" attributes such as vertex weights and attributes that are embedded into other structs such as vertex positions. * When reading from an attribute, we generally don't care what domain the attribute is stored on. So we want to abstract away the interpolation that that adapts attributes from one domain to another domain (this is not actually implemented yet).
Accessing attributes through this indirection does have a performance penalty. In later iterations of this API I want to reduce this penalty and extend the API so that performance critical code does not have to go through the indirection for every attribute access.
Other possible improvements for later iterations include: * Actually implement interpolation between domains. * Don't use inheritance for the different attribute types. A single class for read access and one for write access might be enough, because we know all the ways in which attributes are stored internally. We don't want more different internal structures in the future. On the contrary, ideally we can consolidate the different storage formats in the future to reduce the need for this indirection. * Remove the need for heap allocations when creating attribute accessors.
Geometry Nodes: Unify icons -> use ICON_NODETREE for everything
Until there is a icon made specially for this, the nodetree icon is up for grabs. Using it in the nodegroup + modifier + editor helps the users to make a connection on where to edit those modifiers.