Blender Git Commits

Blender Git "temp-greasepencil-object-stacksplit" branch commits.

Page: 107 / 137

July 8, 2017, 15:33 (GMT)
Include set origin in standard origin operator

Instead to use a dedicated operator use standard
July 8, 2017, 15:10 (GMT)
Add menu to set origin operator

In order to keep the UI consistency I have added a menu.

This menu has only one option, but the UI panel looks more consistent
July 8, 2017, 14:24 (GMT)
New Set Origin operator

This operator allows to change the pivot point origin for strokes.

Only valid in Edit Mode

Keymap: Ctrl+Alt+Shift+C
July 7, 2017, 15:00 (GMT)
Merge branch 'blender2.8' into greasepencil-object
July 7, 2017, 14:59 (GMT)
Cleanup: Rename icon identifier
July 7, 2017, 14:52 (GMT)
Use new object origin icon
July 7, 2017, 14:52 (GMT)
New Object Origin Icon

This icon is used to define stroke placement

Designed by Matias Mendiola
July 7, 2017, 11:35 (GMT)
Add stroke placement 3D Cursor

Add the option for 3D cursor in list of placement options and not as separated option to make UI more consistent.
July 7, 2017, 10:37 (GMT)
UI: reorganize animation panel

Create a grease pencil animation panel and separate again interpolate panel.

The default animation panel is hidden when GP Object is selected and enable some GP mode
July 6, 2017, 10:04 (GMT)
Merge branch 'blender2.8' into greasepencil-object
July 6, 2017, 10:01 (GMT)
Change range limit for line_width
July 5, 2017, 18:44 (GMT)
Fix error loading old files

After a previous commit to relink palettes old files did not work
July 5, 2017, 14:20 (GMT)
UI: Hide draw buttons

Remove these buttons from panel to keep UI consistency
July 5, 2017, 14:16 (GMT)
Add new keymaps for straight and poly strokes

Line: Ctrl+LMB
Poly: Shift+LMB
July 4, 2017, 15:42 (GMT)
Merge branch 'blender2.8' into greasepencil-object
July 4, 2017, 15:27 (GMT)
UI: Change interpolate panel header

Rename the header and add some options to make UI cleaner
July 4, 2017, 15:19 (GMT)
Set GP modes from outliner

Set special gp modes if the object is selected in outliner
July 4, 2017, 14:55 (GMT)
UI: Make interpolate panel open by default
July 4, 2017, 14:48 (GMT)
Increase paint brush size range
July 4, 2017, 14:43 (GMT)
Keymap F to change paint brush size
By: Miika HämäläinenLast update: Nov-07-2014 14:18MiikaHweb | 2003-2021