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Dynamic Paint beta released

I have some good news. My "Dynamic Paint" tool is ready for another patch release!
You can download a build from MiikaHweb Blender Builds section or from GraphicAll.org.
If you want to make your own build, download the patch here. It's quite massive for a patch. Up to +4000 lines of code. o_O
It's still missing some small features / settings and some parts may not work yet. Yet it's stable enough to be released as beta. Please notify me if you experience any bugs or crashes so I can fix them.
Soon I'll start writing a guide that covers whole "Dynamic Paint" system. I guess most of the bugs gets fixed while doing that.
I also posted a new video of a fluid-like paint test:
I was just testing some stuff before uploading the patch but the result turned out something quite cool. In that render wetmap is used as normal/bump texture. Looks like some sort of 2D-fluid simulation. xD
And thanks again for everyone who donated to support this development! :)
Category:Blender, Development
Tags: Blender, Dynamic Paint, Particles, Fluid
Sep-14-2010 04:57

Sep-14-2010 08:01