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Dynamic Paint Waves

Last week I was checking my iWave implementation from February. As you may remember it had quite strange issues: it kept emitting waves way too long after the obstacle had moved away, and sometimes waves seemed to move in wrong direction.
Finally I decided to implement another 2D wave algorithm instead. This time it's based on "Height Field Fluids" slides by Matthias Müller-Fischer. With some modifications it now works on mesh objects and is even compatible with new vertex surfaces.
Basic implementation is now ready and committed to soc-2011-carrot branch. It may still need some tweaking but unless something critical appears this should be about finished.
Here is a video showing a couple of test scenes:
If you want to try it yourself, here is a sample .blend file for carrot branch revisions 38044 and later.
Download .blend
Category:Blender, Development
Tags: Blender, Dynamic Paint, Waves, Vertex, GSoC, Particles
Jul-03-2011 17:34
Jul-03-2011 20:25
Your work is outstanding. Thank you very much.
Keep it up.
Jul-06-2011 07:47
Jul-06-2011 08:09
just uploaded builds to graphicall
Jul-06-2011 15:35
Great job, you made an effect that has always been a problem to make no problem at all.
Jul-06-2011 22:41
One small problem though: I can't make it work in Blender 2.58.1 r38158. Any suggestions?
Thank you in advance.
Jul-08-2011 18:10
thanks :)