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Dynamic Paint status update

It's been a long time without updates, sorry about that. I had an exam period at university and had to focus on studying. But now I'm back. :p
This weekend I decided to update Dynamic Paint baking system. Currently it freezes the whole user interface same way as particles and smoke baking. In the recent SVN it's not even possible to show the process at mouse cursor anymore... Fluids, however, use this new "Jobs system" that processes bake in the background. It seemed quite easy to apply same system to DP.
Unfortunately it turned out to be impossible. Current jobs system crashes if you change animation frames within the bake process and it appears to be quite tricky one to fix. Most likely won't be fixed anytime soon. So I had to revert Dynamic Paint back to the old baking system. :(
Anyway, I have updated Dynamic Paint patch so it's yet again compatible with recent SVN revisions. Now I'm going to finish the second part of my Dynamic Paint guide. I guess I'll be able to release it by the end of this week.
Category:Site News, Blender
Tags: Blender, Dynamic Paint, Patch
Dynamic Paint guide released

First part of my Dynamic Paint guide is now out. It covers all Dynamic Paint Canvas settings. Rest of the guide (Paint settings) will be released within a week. I'll also make improvements to the existing parts and add some downloadable .blend file samples later.
Check it out here : Blender: Dynamic Paint Guide.
And feel free to inform me if you find some parts confusing or need more info. Otherwise I might not be able to improve the guide. :)
I also posted yet another Dynamic Paint update: v.1.05 fixes some issues with displacement maps and slightly improves effects system.
EDIT 2010-10-18: I've been busy with other things lately and can't focus on writing the second part of this guide. It will be delayed for a week or so. :p
Dynamic Paint patch is now updated to version v1.06. It fixes compatibility with recent SVN version plus some Mac OSX related issues, thanks Jens Verwiebe for reporting those!
EDIT 2010-10-22: Dynamic Paint v1.07 released. It restores compatibility with latest SVN and fixes some issues with textured and face-aligned proximity painting.
Category:Site News, Blender, Development
Tags: Blender, Dynamic Paint, Patch
Blog comment system fixed

Apparently my blog comment system had a bug that caused comment sending to fail in most cases. This has been fixed now.
If you encounter a bug on my site, please contact me through email. (Which can be found at the bottom of the page.)
Small site updates

I have updated some parts of the site. Biggest change is ability to comment articles and tutorials.
Blender Builds section updated

Blender Builds section has been changed by replacing 32-bit GCC/MinGW compiled Blender builds with a Visual C++ build.
This is done to improve build stability and bugs caused by MinGW compiler. It's also easier to update only one 32-bit version instead of two.
Blog URL structure updated

Blog URL structure has been updated.
In the old method a single blog entry was identified using a time stamp. Now entry title is used in URL to allow users to directly see the subject. It's also possible to search posts by date.
Blender fire tutorial is here

I have finished my fire tutorial for Blender 2.5. It took a bit longer than I thought but here it is. There is also a smoke tutorial coming soon.
Anyways, check it out here : Creating realistic fire in Blender 2.5
Blender smoke + fire tutorial on the way

There is two new tutorials coming soon: Introduction to Blender smoke simulator and making realistic fire in Blender.
Here is a short animation made from one of my fire tutorial sample *.blend files. Mancandy - the master of fire.
Tutorials -section updated

Tutorials -section has been updated.
This update changed tutorials -section base engine and therefore made editing and writing articles much easier than it was before. For now all tutorials have been moved to the new database and I'll update them more frequently. This also means that more articles and tutorials will be added shortly.
Site URL system updated

Site URL system has been updated. All navigation links on this site are now simplified to not require PHP variables visible.
For example a program link in old system: indexen.php?p_id=program&prog_id=smplayer, is now /en/programs/smplayer.
Old links should redirect automatically to new ones but it's very likely that not all parts of the site work properly yet.