MiikaHweb Blog -> Site News (Page 3)
A blog added to the site

A new "Blog" section has been added to MiikaHweb.
The blog is still under development so some of the functionality might not work and some bugs may exist.
Smoke Explosion

A new Blender animation added to Videos section : Smoke Explosion.
It is made using the new Blender 2.5 smoke simulator and some tricks with the material. ;p
Blender 64-bit build added

Blender Builds -section also provides a 64-bit version of Blender.
A New 3D Animation

Category:Site News, Blender
Tags: Update, Smoke, Simulation
Comment system updated

The comment system has been updated to show messages from both finnish and english version of MiikaHweb. Messages in the other language are marked with a flag and have gray font color.
When writing a comment you can change the language. (In case you want to reply to comments shown as other language or so.)
Added a comenting system

Added a possibility to comment programs, videos, games and Blender builds.
A new section: Blender Builds

A new section added: Blender Builds. It has optimized builds of Blender 2.49 and the recent SVN revisions of upcoming Blender 2.5.
Site default theme changed

The default theme for MiikaHweb has been changed to "Left menu only" and themes have now maximum width.
It was changed due to high number of people using small resolutions. The "Two sided bars" theme requires at least 1440x900 resolution to work properly. Current "Left menu only" theme performs fine under 1024x768 resolution as well.
Games section updated

MiikaHweb's Games -section has been updated. The new section lists free games, game demos and game sites.
Currently it has only a few games listed but more will be added within next days.