MiikaHweb Blog -> Site News (Page 4)
MiikaHweb updated

A new version of MiikaHweb released. The update mainly adds a new page layot and some improvements on all sections. The page engine is also reconstructed and almost whole site is now based on databases and is therefore easier to maintain.
The update is not yet fully complete and some parts of the site will get changed.
Site updated

Site structure was updated. The Poll and updates listing are now based on MySQL.

"Recent updates" box added to the front page. Other site updates.
Category:Site News
Site domain and server changed

The site has moved to a new address: https://miikahweb.com.
Mobile section updated

Mobile -section is now using a new system that shows detailed info and screenshots of each program.
The system is still under beta so it may change later. Similiar system will be added to Programs section too.
Site updates + a guide for SUPER

Mobile and Programs -sections have been updated with new programs.
Two new tutorials: Avi2DVD guide and SUPER guide.
Site updates

Mobile -section has been updated + small adjustments to the site layout.