MiikaHweb Blog -> SVN
Git logs and statistics now online

Now that Blender has migrated from SVN to Git repository I have also updated my Blender Commit Logs and Statistics.
Statistics page is still missing releases and currently only "master" branch commits are displayed. I'm investigating best ways to implement generic branch support, as the way Git handles them is somewhat different, so it needs special consideration how to best represent them.
Since the main SVN repository won't be updated anymore it doesn't make sense to keep old statistics or logs hanging around either causing unnecessary confusion. In couple of days I'll remove them and place redirects to the new Git alternatives.
If you are still interested to find old SVN commits I have mapped original SVN revisions to older Git commits, so you can still use the old revision numbers in new Git log to look for specific commits. (e.g. "r50000" :)
Category:Site News, Blender, Development
Tags: Blender, Statistics, Git, SVN
More SVN Log Updates

I have added even more features to my Blender SVN pages.
Commit messages now display the authors full name instead of cryptic username, revisions in commit messages are now shown as links and there is a "changed paths" list on each revision page. Additionally some Statistics pages now have new file related charts. E.g. developer pages show most edited files and number of added, deleted and modified files.
Commit Logs are also available as RSS feeds in case you want to follow Blender commits more closely. You can subscribe All Commits, Trunk Commits or commits from a specific branch from any branches' statistics page.
Update: You can also use RSS feeds with "short-title" option (All Commits, Trunk Commits), this way revision title is printed as "r12345:" instead of "Revision 12345 (trunk/blender):". This can be useful if your reader has only limited screen space.
MiikaHweb Updates

I have been updating some parts of MiikaHweb in the past few days.
First of all: after gathering dust for nearly five years, the Mobile section is finally up to date again.
Basically it's a listing of mobile apps I have found useful. New section features all popular mobile platforms: Android, iOS, Symbian and Windows Phone, although Android is the main platform as I'm using it myself.
I also did some small improvements on Blender SVN statistics pages. I suppose most useful tweak are new Blender Tracker links on Commit Log pages. Now you can view the related bug report/patch simply by clicking the hash number on commit message (if any).
Blender Statistics Now Online

A new MiikaHweb section "Blender SVN Statistics" is now online.
It shows real-time statistics about Blender development based on SVN commits. You can view charts based on releases, branches, developers or date.
Statistics section is still under development so some things are likely to change during upcoming days. Anyway, I hope some of you will find this useful or interesting. :)
Category:Site News, Blender, Development
Tags: Blender, Statistics, Release, SVN