MiikaHweb Blog -> Smoke (Page 2)
Blender smoke update: domain border collisions

I just finished a new feature for Blender smoke simulator: a possibility to change how smoke collides with domain borders.
The old system let smoke go through top and bottom sides of the domain but not the "walls". That caused some problems when using strong horizontal wind.
Now it's also possible to make the smoke to not collide any side or to collide with every side of the domain.
Added a possibility to change "Initial Velocity" multiplier.
Updated code patch can be downloaded here: smoke_collision_patch2_rev29368.patch
I have also updated my Blender Builds to use this patch.
Smoke patch is now in Blender SVN

My smoke simulator patch is now in Blender SVN. (Rev 26250)
Most visible changes in that patch are better support for multicore processors (OpenMP), more simulator related textures and a possibility to pass emitter particle's velocity to the smoke.
Category:Blender, Development
Tags: Blender, Smoke, Patch
Smoke patch v3 released

I just added a new version of smoke patch.
It's now possible to use smoke velocity as a texture and to change smoke cache compression method. (Light compression is recommended due to better performance.)
Precompiled builds
Patch file
Smoke patch changelogs: smoke_changes.txt
Category:Blender, Development
Tags: Blender, Smoke, Patch
Using smoke heat as a texture

I just finished a Blender patch that allows using smoke heat as a texture. This might be useful in several temperature dependant simulations and it also allows faking some kind of multicolored smoke.
Here's a test video of two smoke flows with different heat values being colored by the heat.
I'll update Blender builds -section and add a patch later today.
Smoke Explosion

A new Blender animation added to Videos section : Smoke Explosion.
It is made using the new Blender 2.5 smoke simulator and some tricks with the material. ;p
A New 3D Animation

Category:Site News, Blender
Tags: Update, Smoke, Simulation