Blender Git Loki
Git Commits -> Revision 038c088
Revision 038c088 by Joshua Leung (master) February 6, 2008, 01:25 (GMT) |
It is now possible to compile a profiling build with mingw+scons. Here are the changes I've had to make: * Added default settings for BF_PROFILE and BF_PROFILE_FLAGS for mingw * Made makesdna.c link with profiling flags too. This fixes some linking problems related to guardedmalloc for linking it. I'm not sure if this breaks compiling with BF_PROFILE on other platforms. |
Commit Details:
Full Hash: 038c08804d3597d7edbd878fab0632a9c86b8ea5
SVN Revision: 13587
Parent Commit: 53d8645
Lines Changed: +5, -0