Blender Git Loki
Git Commits -> Revision 03df7e9
Revision 03df7e9 by Mitchell Stokes (master) January 12, 2013, 05:44 (GMT) |
BGE: Fix for [#33839] "a logic.joysticks Crashes BGE" reported by Josiah Lane (solarlune). On a scene change the SCA_JoystickManager gets destroyed which in turn means all of it's joystick instances are released. Since SCA_PythonJoystick was just using a borrowed reference, this allowed the joystick to be freed. Now the joystick's refcount is incremented so that the SCA_PythonJoystick's joystick reference will survive across scene changes. |
Commit Details:
Full Hash: 03df7e9a564d1ba6366b5d6b587b9319158ca198
SVN Revision: 53733
Parent Commit: 2f4cc35
Lines Changed: +6, -2