Blender Git Loki
Git Commits -> Revision 121dab1
Revision 121dab1 by Martin Poirier (master) November 26, 2007, 01:52 (GMT) |
Fixes for some long standing transform bugs. - [#6112] is this an extrusion bug? When extruding, x-mirror was giving weird behavior since the extruded vertice could match with their non-extruded counterpart on the other side. The solution is to disable x-mirror (with a transform context flag, like disabling PET) in that case. - External constraint setup calls (BIF_*) didn't setup some internal structs properly. For the user, this resulted in some transform (extrude particularly) showing a full 3d vector in the header instead of a scalar along the constraint axis (this messed up num input a bit too, you could type values in unused axis). |
Commit Details:
Full Hash: 121dab1bcd9467bd8e11d0a82e83a1621758fd8e
SVN Revision: 12676
Parent Commit: a29f082
Lines Changed: +35, -10