Blender Git Loki
Git Commits -> Revision 1c58311
Revision 1c58311 by Campbell Barton (master) April 8, 2020, 03:22 (GMT) |
Fix status bar message showing saved when saving failed Resolves the following issues: - For the first time you save a .blend file, there was no feedback. - If the file fails to save (eg "No space left on device") the status bar message replaces the error with an invalid "Saved" message. While there is a popup, the user may cancel it with mouse motion and be left with the status bar message saying the file saved. D7371 by @XDroid with edits. |
Commit Details:
Full Hash: 1c5831144040709380e02fc41ddef2e10d998cda
Parent Commit: 056ebb5
Lines Changed: +3, -2
1 Modified Path:
/source/blender/windowmanager/intern/wm_files.c (+3, -2) (Diff)