Blender Git Loki
Git Commits -> Revision 2a5d7f9
Revision 2a5d7f9 by Joshua Leung (master) February 1, 2010, 01:08 (GMT) |
Keying Sets: Export to File This commit adds an operator which saves the active Keying Set in a form which can be used to regenerate the Keying Set again in another file using the Keying Sets API. This could be made smarter by caching the ID-blocks used, and writing aliases for those, but that can be done later. |
Commit Details:
Full Hash: 2a5d7f929d0032a91f9d2d52da45dfa6d4e87507
SVN Revision: 26492
Parent Commit: 65af958
Lines Changed: +85, -0
1 Modified Path:
/release/scripts/ui/ (+85, -0) (Diff)