Blender Git Loki
Git Commits -> Revision 350d754
Revision 350d754 by Diego Borghetti (master) January 3, 2008, 21:4 (GMT) |
Add support for GHOST_kWindowState* to Linux. This add support for the different window state in Linux/X11. Two think to take care: 1) m_post_* 2) motifFullScreen 1) This is only need if we want start a window in FullScreen or Maximized state. The basic problem is that we can't set this property to a window until it's really map, so i add a "post init" proccess for this two special case (check the code for more info). 2) The Motif Hint isn't really a "FullScreen" mode, it's only a "NO DECORATIONS" options, so if the window manager don't support WM-spec this function only remove the border of the window, don't make it FullScreen. A simple fix (hack) is check if the Window Manager support WM-spec, in case that not, remove the decorations and move/resize the window. Test in different WM (gnome, kde, etc) and comment are welcome :) |
Commit Details:
Full Hash: 350d754b16b97f56fb02765bc35178d2ad2d7415
SVN Revision: 13116
Parent Commit: c877856
Lines Changed: +386, -60