Blender Git Loki
Git Commits -> Revision 4f90a3a
Revision 4f90a3a by Joshua Leung (master) January 1, 2007, 22:48 (GMT) |
== Armatures - Bone Paths == * Shuffled a few bone-path buttons in the Armature Visualisation panel. * Added a new option for bone-paths drawing: Calculate/show the path travelled by the 'head' (fat end) of bone. By default, this option is off. * Also, I forgot to mention in last commit that I had added an option which specified the time-difference between each highlighted point on the curve. |
Commit Details:
Full Hash: 4f90a3a627713837b1967da41c4b4b5fa0e3efec
SVN Revision: 9569
Parent Commit: e07a76e
Lines Changed: +16, -7