Blender Git Loki

Git Commits -> Revision 5d15586

Revision 5d15586 by Matt Ebb (master)
April 2, 2010, 11:15 (GMT)
Fix [#21694] text input box last character not editable

Font kerning needs to be set in order to get accurate results out of BLF_width().
Would be nice if this was more automatic, I've added it to a few other places that
seem like they need this though it's a little unclear due to the globals etc. Also
some other minor tweaks when editing text fields.

Commit Details:

Full Hash: 5d155868fbb6ffd40f01d47d1867dc482282da21
SVN Revision: 27953
Parent Commit: d03d42f
Lines Changed: +45, -6

3 Modified Paths:

/source/blender/editors/interface/interface_handlers.c (+12, -1) (Diff)
/source/blender/editors/interface/interface_style.c (+12, -2) (Diff)
/source/blender/editors/interface/interface_widgets.c (+21, -3) (Diff)
Tehnyt: Miika HämäläinenViimeksi päivitetty: 07.11.2014 14:18MiikaH:n Sivut a.k.a. MiikaHweb | 2003-2021