Blender Git Loki
Git Commits -> Revision 7ac233b
Revision 7ac233b by Dalai Felinto (master) April 23, 2009, 0:49 (GMT) |
BGE Rasterizer methods to handle Screen Space - (getScreenPosition, getScreenVect, getScreenRay) getScreenPosition(obj): - Gets the position of an object projected on screen space. getScreenVect(x, y): - Gets the vector from the camera position in the screen coordinate direction. getScreenRay(x, y, dist, property): - Look towards a screen coordinate (x,y) and find first object hit within dist that matches prop. - The ray is a call to KX_GameObject->rayCastTo from the KX_Camera object. Patch [#18589] test files can be found there. Patch reviewed by Campbell |
Commit Details:
Full Hash: 7ac233be8abc405cc997f032c9ab146c2ab8ea89
SVN Revision: 19887
Parent Commit: e8f5c75
Lines Changed: +171, -1